You can contact me by phone, email or submit the form below
If you wish, we can arrange an initial 30 min phone conversation at no cost or obligation.
Following your initial contact we can arrange a phone or video call to allow you to tell me more about your situation and your views on the future.
I can explain more about the process and we can assess if we jointly think there is merit in working together.
I will get back to you quickly - as I know you will be keen to get started.
You will find me approachable and easy to talk to.
I hope that we will find a connection and you will want me to help you.
Contact me
An initial conversation can open up your thinking, give you confidence that you are doing the right thing; and help us jointly agree a way forwards.
I look forward to making contact, David.

Contact Form
Contact me by email
Contact me by phone
07972 560 939

David Hilliard
Career Solutions Ltd is a Company registered in England and Wales with Company Number 12836056
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Company Information
Company name - Career Solutions Limited
Company registered number - 12836056, Registered at Companies House, Cardiff
Registered office address and postal address - 81 Rugby Road, Dunchurch, Rugby, Warwickshire CV22 6PQ