My Story
I have included this as you may recognise similarities in your own circumstances, or feel that the change I went through could help you.
I have successfully changed and re-focused my career many times.
I can help you do the same.
I started my career after University as a Chartered Civil Engineer. As a result there are a number of bridges around the UK, that I both designed and built.
However, after a few years I realised that to progress within the organisation, it would take some time before senior members of staff retired.
I also realised that my strengths were not so much in design, but rather in leading the teams who were designing the bridges - to coordinate their skills, understand how we could be more effective, and to put processes in place to deliver improvements and drive down design costs.
I therefore started to look at how these skills could be used to best effect to develop my career further and help my personal growth.
I found the process difficult - not really knowing enough about what I really was good at; what I wanted to do in the future; or how I could position myself in the job market most effectively.
I searched for help and found a company focused on Career Change. They took me through a structured process, which analysed all aspects of my strengths and personal abilities.
Over the next few weeks, I took a number of profiling tests which re-inforced my own thinking but also provided new insights into my skills. I also produced an engaging CV that would stand out and would impress prospective employers.
The most enlightening part of the process, however, was how to achieve a successful and increased network of contacts. This network helped me refine my thinking and helped me understand what I really wanted out of a career. It also helped me meet a number of people, some very senior positions.
As a result, and primarily through my new Networking approach, I focused in on becoming a Management Consultant, where I was sure my transferable skills would fit well, and I could build a second, more rewarding Career.
Again, through my new focused networking approach, I was introduced to an MD of a new Consultancy start-up and, after a couple of meetings and a presentation to the Senior team, I was offered employment as a Consultant - this was to be supported through on-the job training and a part-time MBA. This was the breakthrough I was looking for!
This was a successful and very enjoyable part of my career - I was fitting in well, working with dynamic people and delivering improvement work for Clients.
This spring-boarded me into a new Career in Consultancy, where over the next 30 years I worked for some of the larger Management Consultancy companies in the UK, many in senior roles.
I worked in both the Private and public sectors; in Manufacturing; Financial services and within HR and Recruitment. Most of my more recent roles have been in the Private Sector for HM Government.
Throughout my Career I have been offering advice and guidance on Career Planning, Career change, Interview Practice and Personal Development; I would like to help you.
My experience of Career Change and my knowledge of the techniques for Career progression can help you address your own challenges - make the first step and give me a call.

Contact me by email
Contact me by phone
07972 560 939

David Hilliard
Career Solutions Ltd is a Company registered in England and Wales with Company Number 12836056
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